Daily mcq 10 March. Welcome to your Daily mcq 10 March. 1. Which of the following is not a component indicator of measuring GLOBAL HUNGER INDEX Score- Infant Mortality Rate Child Wasting Child Stunting Under-Nourishment 2. Which of the following 'curve represents the relationship between tax-rates and government revenue? Lorenz Curve Philips Curve Laffer Curve Grifith Curve 3. Traditionally, "Zero Hour" in the Parliament begins at- 12:00 Noon 11:00am 10:00am 9:00am 4. The accounts of the state fund for persons with disabilities shall be audited by- Comptroller Auditor-General Both None 5. "Group of Friends" recently seen in the news related to- QUAD Group UN Security Council Nordic Council Climate Club 6. Transact Survey Method recently seen in the news is related to- Asian Waterbird Census Rhino Census Dolphin Census Census of Asiatic Lions Time is Up! Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional)