Daily MCQ 13.11.22 Welcome to your Daily MCQ 13.11.22 1. WFT is correct a non- practising academic eminent lawyer can become judge of SC in america , distinguished law teachers have been appointed to SC till now there has been no appointment from the bar to SC there has been only one appointment to jurist to SC 1 statement is correct 2 statements are right 3 statements are right all 2. WFT the concept of locus standi means that only an aggrieved person can move for himself in court all writs issued under article 32 follow the concept of locus standi both none 3. WFT is a trait of court of record it can decide its own jurisdiction it has power to punish for its contempt both none 4. SC can punish contempt of supreme court high court subordinate court all 5. WFT not true a house can call into question any act of the president during impeachment no process of arrest imprisonment can be issued during the president term both none Time is Up! Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional)