Daily mcq 13 april Welcome to your Daily mcq 13 april 1. WFT Don river drains in Sea of Marmara Volga River drains in Caspian Sea Both None 2. Neighbouring countries of Ukraine. 1. Belarus 2. Latvia 3. hungary 4. Moldova 5. Romania 6. Poland 7. Slovakia 123467 123567 134567 123456 3. Countries touching Black sea 1.Ukraine 2. Russia 3. Turkey 4. Romania 5.Bulgaria6. Georgia 7. Armenia 123457 123567 123467 123456 4. Ekamra Kshetra is the ancient name of Ujjain Madurai Bhubaneswar Somanth 5. Mouri and Taase, associated with Bhuta Kola, are Types of Kola Musical instruments Attire of the performer Different types of masks 6. WFNT about GEMCOVAC-19 India's first mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 It is thermostable vaccine that means its can be stored in standard medical refigerator Both None Time is Up! Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional)