Daily mcq 14 march Welcome to your Daily mcq 14 march 1. "Social Inclusion Sector Report" published by which of the following organisations- Oxfam International International Labour Org World Bank NITI Aayog 2. "eVTOL Technology" is related to which of the following- Semiconductor Manufacturing Biofuel Production Aviation Microbiology 3. This layer of the tropical forests has the greatest biodiversity Forest Floor Understorey Canopy Emergent layer 4. "Global Status of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems: Target G"- Report released by- World Meteorological Organization United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction + United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Environment Programme + World Meteorological Organization World Meteorological Organization + United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction 5. NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) Synthesis Report released by- UNEP WMO UNFCCC All of the Above 6. The Common Carbon Metric (CCM) was developed by- UNFCCC Greenpeace Global Footprint Network UNEP Time is Up! Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional)