Daily MCQ 15.12.22 Welcome to your Daily MCQ 15.12.22 1. WFT about prompt corrective action framework imposed by RBI applicable only on commercial banks both none 2. Tsiiphie traditional naga headgear naga shawl nagaland festival musical instrument 3. WFT parliament enacted the india antartica act , 2022 under exercise of its power given in art 245 parliament has taxed crypto currency under the joint exercise of powers given in art 247 and 265 both none 4. WFT powers of gram sabha is not mentioned in the constitution village is an area specified by the state government by a notification both none 5. WFNT an amendment of any law can lead to dissolution of panchayat functioning before that amendament any decision for disqualiication of a panchayat member shall be referred to the state legislature both none Time is Up! Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional)