Daily mcq 23 april Welcome to your Daily mcq 23 april 1. WFT regarding declaration of UNESCO World Heritage Site A tentative list is prepared by a state party before a nomination is filedUNEP is one of the advisory bodies to World Heriatge CommitteeOnly countries that have signed the World Heritage Convention can submit nomination proposals 1,2,3 3 only 1,3 2,3 2. As per the Ramsar Convention, this organisation maintains the list of Wetlands of International Importance IUCN IPCC WWF None 3. It is the world's largest underground iron ore mine. Recently, Europe's largest reserves of rare earth minerals have been discovered here. The mine is located in Norway Sweden Finland Latvia 4. WFT Ramacharita which was written by Sandhyakaranandin in the early 12th century CE. It focusses on the reign of Palas of eastern India particularly king Ramapala Both None 5. WFNT about New Common Income Tax Return filling rules. CBDT has proposed a single ITR form for all. Sugam and Sahaj are two simple ITR forms which will continue even after introduction of common form Both None 6. WFT about law books in India Dayabhaga was based on the law of inheritance. Mitakshara was a commentary on Yajnavalkya written by Jimutavahana. Both None Time is Up! Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional)