Daily MCQ 30.10.22 Welcome to your Daily MCQ 30.10.22 1. WFT metal casting is a technique which has been practiced since IVC times daimabad is a chalcolithic site in Maharashtra seals at the time of IVC were also used as modern day indentity cards 1,2 1 only 1,3 all 2. WFT there is symetrical representation in US senate germany has a bicameral legislature both the houses of german legislature have equal powers 1 statement is right 2 statements are correct all none 3. WFT art 22 gives parliament power to declare offences where person can be detained beyond max limit art 20 has enabled courts liberty to order DNA test or narco tests both none 4. where is the headquarter of ASEAN Jarkarta singapore bali Canada 5. FATF created by G7 countries objective of countering the financing of terrorism was not present in the orignal FATFS mandate both none Time is Up! Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional)