Daily mcq 31 march Welcome to your Daily mcq 31 march 1. WFT Sri Lanka is largest coconut producing countryCoconut development board is under MAFW Board undertakes market promotion activitiesCoconut development board is in association with international coconut community 1,2 1,3 2,3 All 2. Training programmes on Management Systems and Laboratory Quality Management Systems conducted by GEAC Institutional biosafety committee Bureau of India standards None 3. Which traditional water storage facilities are correctly matched with their state Zabo-NagalandEri- KeralaKhatri Kuhl- Himachal PradeshJal Mandir-Rajasthan 1,3,4 2,4 1 , 3 1,2,3,4 4. WFT Add description here! CWC is implementing National Hydrology Project with aid of World Bank Aim of NHP is to improve the quality and accessibility of water resources information. Both None 5. As per wmo climate system consists of :- AtmosphereHydrosphereCryosphereLand surfaceBiosphere 1,2,3 1 , 4,5 1,3,4 All 6. most freshwater is locked in - wetlands ice caps water springs groundwater All Time is Up! Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional)