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Rani Ahilyabai Holkar And Kalidas Samarho


Rani Ahilyabai Holkar

Rani Ahilyabai Holkar

  • Born on 31 May,1725 in village of Chondi, Ahmednagar.
  • Maharani Ahilyabai or as she was fondly referred to Rajmata Ahilyabai Holkar was the Hokar Queen of Malwa Kingdom.
  • Her father, Mankoji Rao Shinde was the Patil (Chief) of the village. Despite women’s education being a far cry in the village, her father homeschooled her to read and write.
  • She was married to Khanderao Holkar in 1733 at the tender age of 8.
  • Her Father-in-law Malhar Rao supported her after the death of her husband.
  • After the death of Malhar Rao there was his grandson and Ahilyabai’s only son MaleRao Holkar ascending the throne under her  regency.
  • The last straw came when young monarch Male Rao too died, a few months into his rule, thus creating a vacuum in the power structure of the kingdom.
  • She ascended the throne and became the ruler of Indore in 1767.
  • She was an astute leader and administrator.
  • Just a year into her rule, one saw the brave Holkar queen protect her kingdom – fighting off invaders tooth and nail from plundering Malwa. Armed with swords and weapons, she led armies into the battlefield.
  • There she was, the queen of Malwa, slaying her enemies and invaders on battlefronts with four bows and quivers of arrows fitted to the corners of the howdah of her favourite elephant.
  • Her confidante on military matters was Subhedar Tukojirao Holkar (also Malhar Rao’s adopted son) whom she appointed the head of the military.
  • From a tiny village to a flourishing city, Indore prospered during her 30-year She was famous for having built numerous forts and roads in Malwa, sponsoring festivals and giving donations to many Hindu temples.
  • The Holkar queen also embellished and beautified various sites including Kashi, Gaya, Somnath, Ayodhya, Mathura, Haridwar, Kanchi, Avanti, Dwarka, Badrinarayan, Rameshwar and Jaganathpuri as recorded by the Bharatiya Sanskritikosh.

Ahilya Ghat, Varanasi

  • Her capital at Maheshwar was a melting pot of literary, musical, artistic and industrial She opened her capital’s doors to stalwarts like Marathi poet Moropant, Shahir Anantaphandi and Sanskrit scholar, Khushali Ram.
  • Her capital was known for is distinct craftsmen, sculptors and artists who were paid handsomely for their work and kept in high regards by the Queen. She also moved on to establishing a textile industry in the city.
  • She also used to wear Maheswari Sarees (GI Tag).
  • Historians write how she encouraged all within her realm and her kingdom to do their best.
  • During her reign, the merchants produced their most elegant clothes and trade flourished to no end. No more was the farmer a mere victim of oppression but a self-sufficient man in his own  right
  • “Far and wide the roads were planted with shady trees, and wells were made, and rest-houses for travellers. The poor, the homeless, the orphaned were all helped according to their needs.
  • The Bhils, who had long been the torment of all caravans, were routed from their mountain fastnesses and persuaded to settle down as honest farmers. Hindu and Musalman alike revered the famous Queen and prayed for her long life,” writes Annie Besant.
  • She was 70 when she died and was succeded by her commander-in-chief, Tukoji Rao Holkar.


Kavi Kalidas

Kavi Kalidas

  • Born in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh
  • Kalidas possessed that distinct intellect which makes one a great He was a scholar and his works display his poetic genius as well as scholarship.
  • Also they are marked by a belief of what is good in life and people’s noble goals of He could describe the rich and wealthy life of a royal palace and the serene, simple and peaceful life at a hermitage with equal understanding.
  • He could, likewise, describe the joys of the marital life of a man and his spouse as well as their pangs of separation.
  • He creates scenes of a serious and thoughtful nature as also hilarious scenes of light comedy.
  • In his works is found an excellent combination of art-consciousness, unmatched wordpower and an unparalleled capacity for vivid portrayals.
  • Poet in court of Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya) of Gupta dynasty
  • One of the nine jewels of King Vikramaditya
  • He was famous in world also at that time.
  • Kalidas wrote seven works. ‘ Kumarasambhava’ and ‘Raghuvamsha’ are his two epic ‘Malavikagnimitra’, ‘Vikramorvashiya’ and ‘Abhijnana Shakuntala’ are his celebrated plays. ‘Meghaduta’ and ‘Ritusamhara’ are also poetical works of great distinction.


  • One of Kalidas’s greatest works is ‘Kumarasambhava’. Critics maintain that Kalidas wrote only the first eight chapters of the epic poem.
  • The work describes the marriage of Lord Shiva and his consort It begins with a fine description of that giant among mountains, the Himalaya.


  • Kalidas’s second epic is ‘Raghuvamsha’. There are nineteen chapters (‘sargas’) in this The epic describes the history of the kings Dileepa, Raghu, Aja, Dasharatha, Sri Rama, Lava and Kusha.
  • It also deals briefly with the twenty kings from Nala up to Agnivarna.In thebeginning, the poet extols the fine qualities of the kings of Raghu dynasty.
  • ‘Raghuvamsha’ depicts our ancient, historical culture and tradition. Our ancestors had discussed in detail about such matters as to who could be a good ruler, who is a man of ‘tapas’ (penance), how one should lead a good, purposeful life and the like.
  • The poet has portrayed diverse characters like Vashishta, Dileepa, Raghu, Aja and Agnivarna is an example of a king who could be termed as ‘depraved’.


  • ‘Malavikagnimitra’ is Kalidas’s first The author shows his humility and is uncertain whether people would accepts play.
  • He pleads Everything old is not good, nor is every thing knew badly.
  • There may be some thing, which may not be of much use in the old, and the new may also be The theme of the play is the love-story of Agnimitra and Malavika.


  • Kalidas’s second play ‘Vikramor -vashiya’ is about the loves and tribulations of king Pururava and the heavenly damsel ‘Urvashi’.

Abhigyana Shakuntala

  • ‘Abhigyana Shakuntala’ is Kalidas’s greatest creation. This literary masterpiece has been translated into several languages around the world.
  • The story of Shakuntala appears in the ‘Adiparva’ chapter of the epic Mahabharat.


  • ‘Meghaduta’ is a beautiful love-lyric.
  • A ‘Yaksha’, who is forced to be separated from his mistress for a year, sends her a message.
  • The lady is residing at ‘Go and tell her that I told so’, instructs the Yaksha to the cloud who becomes his messenger.
  • The very fact that a cloud (‘Megha’) is chosen to be a messenger of love is something The poet fascinatingly describes the travels of the cloud from Ramagiri to Alakanagari.
  • The rivers, hills and mountains, cities and towns, vast fields, farmers’ daughters as well as girls in the cities, the birds and the bees — are all described by the poet vividly. It is a total picture of a beautiful world.
  • His descriptions of Alakanagari, the Yaksha’s house and the garden around, the Yaksha’s wife playing the Veena and her grace and beauty are captivating.


  • ‘Ritusamhara’ is a somewhat small-scale poetical creation depicting the six seasons. However, it is equally The poet here sees beauty in everything.
  • Each different facet of nature he sees in each of the seasons fascinates him; it is a romantic sight.
  • Sir William Jones translated Abhigyan Shakuntalam in English language
  • Prominent books of Kavi Kalidas are Ritusamhara, Kumar Sambhav, Raghuvansham, Malvikagnimitram and Meghdoot.
  • Description of Ujjain city is given in Meghdoot
  • Kalidas Academy organises Akhil Bhartiya Kalidas Samaroh every year in which Drama, Seminar are being held.
  • As per belief Gadhkalika Mandir of Ujjain is the temple from where Kalidas get knowledge.



Kalidasa Samaroh, a cultural festival which began its journey in 1958. The week-long cultural festival usually begins on the Kartik Shukla Ekadashi (falls in November) and includes theatrical, musical and dance performances, discourses, art and sculpture exhibitions, etc. The Kalidasa Sanskrit Academy has been organising the festival since 1979, with support from the state’s department of culture and other organisations. Musical band Dhruvaa, who specialises in singing in Sanskrit, gave a rousing performance to a packed audience. This was followed by a play in Sindhi language. There was also an exhibition of sculptures and paintings based on interpretations of the poet’s Abhijnanasakuntalam by modern artists.

  • So powerful is the plunge that its roar can be heard from distance. The falls and the breaking of water volume at the crest present an incredible spectacle of nature’s power unleashed, and one can witness the ultimate wonder of wonders.
  • Bandar Kodini (“the monkey’s leap”) is a point where one finds the mountains at both sides so close while travelling through a boat between the marble rocks that monkeys can jump across them.


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